CMS is conducting a
systematic review of the Conditions of Participation for Long-Term Care
Facilities and has asked Pioneer Network and a number of other organizations to
weigh in during the pre-rulemaking phase. They are looking for feedback on how
these regulatory standards could be improved or what standards should remain
unaltered. They are particularly interested in any feedback that would promote
resident-centered care, improve quality, reduce burdens, and make the
regulations. The current regulations can be accessed here:
NCCAP would like to obtain feedback/comments from all of you - the state
culture change coalitions - so that we can incorporate them into their comments
that need to be submitted to CMS by July 2nd.
Send your written comments to by June 25th - You have to make note of WHICH standard they are making comment on - and it has to be written so that NCCAP can share it with others on your behalf.
Send your written comments to by June 25th - You have to make note of WHICH standard they are making comment on - and it has to be written so that NCCAP can share it with others on your behalf.
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