Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Does anyone have a TCU--Transitional Care Unit calendar they would like to share?
Just send to my email as an attachment.  Thanks.

To All My Students---FYI

My computer will be at the Doctors office for at least two days.  I will be in contact via my Smart Phone.  Jane

Friday, March 11, 2016


Vanessa Salwei of the Linton Hospital, Linton has recently completed the  MEPAP(Modular Education Program for Activity Professionals)  Part 1.  This course is one of the steps in becoming Nationally Certified through NCCAP (National Certification Council for Activity Professionals).  NCCAP has written the course that meets Federal regulations on activity director qualifications.
 (F-tag 249).    This is also the state approved course for Vanessa. For more information on the MEPAP course and or ceus—  #activitydirector


Hillsboro Scrabble board.  Homemade by Dee -- Great job!