Friday, September 18, 2020

CMS Updates Nursing Home Visitation Guidance with Eye Toward Indoor Reunions

 Sept, 2020

Please click on the following link and check out each area.  What are you and your facility doing now and what is your plan of action? CMS Visitation LTC

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Healthy People

Journal Item

 Healthypeople FYI

How does the above site relate to you and your facility?

Profile of Older Americans

 Journal Item

Profile of Older Americans

Click on the above link and find the applicable year and save as a resource.   Thanks!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Resident Engagement Index Score (REIS)

 Journal item

Resident Engagement Score

Please click on the link above!  Please take this Reis Index two times and journal on the first score and when you are completing your last core content journal on your second set of scores.  What are your thoughts on this index?  Please share your score, and thoughts, and ideas. Thanks!


Resident Engagement Index Score (REIS)

WHITE PAPER Rebuilding Resident Engagement

 Journal item--

White Paper Thoughts

WHITE PAPER Rebuilding Resident Engagement

Please write your thoughts on the above white paper.  How does this or does not relate to your facility?

One paragraph in length or more!

Thank you.