Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Free Ceu

Jane Anderson
The recorded webinar can be viewed on youtube. Activity Professionals may earn one clock hour of continuing education for free after viewing by completing the CE application and submitting to the NCCAP office. Application deadline for this webinar topic is 12/20/17.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Instructor Update- Please Read!

I know everyone read my blog last week.  It might have put you in a "Pinch".  Just keep moving forward----and next week I should be able to get back up to speed if there are no bumps in the road and the mending continues. This is the first time this week that I have been able to access my computer.  I can send quick replies via phone.
Thank you for your patience.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Way To Go!


Chelsey Dahl --Eventide of Moorhead, Mn, has recently completed the MEPAP(Modular Education Program for Activity Professionals) Second Edition. This course is one of the steps in becoming Nationally Certified through NCCAP (National Certification Council for Activity Professionals). NCCAP has written the course that meets Federal regulations on activity director qualifications. (F-tag 249/680). For more information on the MEPAP course and or ceus— #activitydirector

Follow Blog FYI

One of the Mepap assignments is to check the blog 2 times weekly for any instructor or course updates.
You can follow the blog by going to the box on the blog and sign up for emails.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

RAI User's Manual

If you are not already aware, the RAI User’s Manual v1.15 (effective October 1, 2017) has been posted on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website.

Just click on the website below and scroll to the bottom of the page for all the links.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Instructor FYI

I will be taking care of a an urgent family situation starting September 11, 2017.
On September 11th and 12th I will not be able to correspond via phone or email.
For the remainder of that week I should have limited access to both phone and email.

I would ask that you try to communicate as much as possible before the 11th.  If you need me to send the next core content please let me know by email. Any questions, just let me know!
Thanks and I sorry for any inconvenience.

Journal items! Agism

Journal item!
What do you think?

Ashton Applewhite, activist and author of This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism, recently delivered an 11-minute barn-burning TED Talk called “Let’s End Ageism” that is the clearest and most concise, entertaining, and impactful introduction to the scourge of ageism I’ve ever heard.  Read Here: Agism