Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Free Science Stuff

Free free free!!! Now that I have your attention ... Fall is just days away. I'd like to send a gift to all activity directors, CTRS professionals and anyone in retirement communities, long term care facilities, personal care and assisted living homes and adult day centers - a free step by step one hour activity program to do with your residents on the science of bears - how many, why they sleep through winter, what they eat, and how polar bears thrive in frigid water! Contact me at: Science4seniors@gmail.com

Sunday, September 16, 2012


 I am thinking about attending the following meeting.  If you have any comments or ideas that I can take to this meeting, please send a message.
Call to Action (2) November 17, 2012
This "Call to Action" meeting will be sponsored by NCCAP (National Certification Council for Activity Professionals)
The purpose of the meeting -
We are concerned about the future of the activities profession and the activities professional of all levels. NCCAP invites you to attend and help shape a brighter future for those who serve the elderly population. NCCAP represents activity professionals who provide quality activity services to hundreds of thousands of people living and receiving long-term care. Activity professionals have a special skill set that is appreciated by those that they serve. It is now time to recognize a profession that has supported the quality of life in facilities across the nation and the world.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Please join us for NCCAP Chat by following this link http://www.nccap.org/cgi-bin/chat/chat.pl
The Sept. schedule is: September

9/5........Jane Anderson, ACC-Track 3 ACC & Consulting

9/12......Joan Ryan, ADPC- Assisted Living Special Events and Fundraising to Supplement the Activities Budget"

9/19….Michael Bower-Alzheimer’s Behaviors

9/26….Sue Orce, ADC-Pet Therapy
****All start at 8pm Est**** If you want a CE credit there is a $10.00 charge for each.